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OE-A: Printed Electronics Industry continues to grow

The industry for organic and printed electronics can look optimistically towards 2015. The OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association) is predicting an increase in sales revenue of eleven per cent. It is safe to say that all signs continue to point to growth, as the third OE-A business climate survey found. It was published at LOPEC in Munich on Wednesday 4 March.

The third OE-A business Climate Survey predicts an increase in sales revenues of eleven per cent for 2015. Source: OE-A

The new prediction is slightly lower than the last one. In October 2014, the survey's respondents expected an increase in revenue of 19 per cent for 2015. However, ‘It is understandable that companies are careful making predictions at the beginning of the year’, said OE-A chairman Dr Stephan Kirchmeyer, who presented the Business Climate Survey at LOPEC. ‘An increase in sales of eleven per cent is a great sign for the organic and printed electronics industry,’ he said, ‘especially since the results are applicable to all areas, from material suppliers to end-users, and in all regions: Europe, Asia and North America. In addition, respondents generally support the positive trend: 88 per cent of the survey's participants believe that the printed electronics industry will keep growing.’

The positive sales forecasts for 2015 are also reflected in other areas of business. Companies want to continue to invest into expanding production. About one third wants to increase these investments. There are good opportunities for employees in the organic and printed electronics industry as well: 32 per cent of the companies surveyed want to hire additional employees in the next six months. Survey participants especially want to increase capacities in R&D activities. A first look of the OE-A Business Climate Survey at 2016 indicates that there is reason for optimism. All signs keep pointing to growth.

Thin, lightweight and flexible are characteristics of organic and printed electronics. These features enable applications in numerous areas. The industry's particular focus is on pharmaceuticals, energy, consumer electronics, automotive, and packaging.

More information can be found at: www.oe-a.org and www.lopec.com.

© Graphic Repro On-line, 5 March 2015.
