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All Packaging’s countdown to new KBA Rapida in Utah

All Packaging Company, a leading folding carton manufacturer headquartered in Aurora, Colorado, is eagerly awaiting the delivery of its new KBA Rapida 105 41-inch six-colour press with coater at its new facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. The company has set up a countdown timer on its homepage allowing business partners and clients to share in its excitement. It displays the time left to the arrival of the new sheetfed offset press.

In anticipation of its new KBA Rapida 105 six-colour press with coater at its new facility in Salt Lake City, Utah, All Packaging Company has set up a countdown timer on its homepage displaying the time left to the arrival of the new sheetfed offset press

Last year, All Packaging Company purchased the operating equipment and facility lease in Salt Lake City from Belter Cutting Technology, enabling it to provide faster service to its clients located west of the Rocky Mountains and generate greater efficiencies and cost savings. The purchase is also providing former Belter customers with continuity in service and more cost-effective capabilities, manufacturing capacity, and product quality.

‘All Packaging Company is pleased to be adding this latest press from KBA at our new Salt Lake City facility,’ said Kenneth Pepper, president of All Packaging Company. ‘In 2013, we installed a new KBA Rapida 106 41-inch seven-colour press with coater and triple extended delivery at our Aurora, Colorado facility. At the time of its installation, it was the fastest sheetfed offset press in the U.S. with speeds of up to 20,000sph. A video of the press can be seen on our company's website. Since its installation it's posted millions of impressions. Currently we are supplying packages to the medical device and pharmaceutical, health and beauty, food and beverage, technology and business, pet supplies, and entertainment and recreation markets and shipping to both eastern and western Canada, Mexico, and throughout the U.S. And by investing in the latest equipment technologies, such as our KBA Rapida 106 press, we've been experiencing significant growth. We feel that this new KBA Rapida 105 will contribute positively to our bottom line as well.’

‘KBA has invested continuously in the improvement of printing press performance, creating the capability of higher running speeds, faster makereadies, and lower scrap rates,’ said Pepper.

For more than 70 years, All Packaging Company's mission is to focus on quality manufacturing using innovative design and emerging technologies that provide cost effective products and services to consistently exceed customer expectations. All Packaging Company serves the needs of more than 200 customers across the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The firm is committed to producing packaging that is appealing to the consumer and friendly to the environment. Unique to the firm is its vendor managed inventory system (VMI) to help its customers manage re-order timing, quantities, and finished goods inventory levels. This system utilizes customers' forecast demand data and current inventory data to generate a plan for All Packaging Company's carton production.

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